Foundations of management
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- Foundations of management
Toyoda Precepts
The Five Main Principles of Toyoda is a summary of the teachings that Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Industries, expressed and discussed in his history of challenges.As a member of the Toyota Industries Group, our company also embraces the spirit of Sakichi Toyoda as a daily attitude toward work that defines shared employee values and serves as a cornerstone of support.
- Always be faithful to your duties, thereby contributing to the Company and to the overall good.
- Always be studious and creative, striving to stay ahead of the times.
- Always be practical and avoid frivolousness.
- Always strive to build a homelike atmosphere at work that is warm and friendly.
- Always have respect for spiritual matters, and remember to be grateful at all times.
Basic Philosophy
[Respect for the Law] |
Izumi is determined to comply with the letter and spirit of the law, in and outside of Japan, and to be fair and transparent in all its dealings. |
[Respect for Others] |
Izumi is respectful of the people, culture, and tradition of each region and country in which it operates. It also works to promote economic growth and prosperity in those countries. |
【Safety first】 |
Izumi aims to create a corporate culture that places a top priority on maintaining safety in all areas and focuses on mutual courtesy and safety as well as realizing workplaces where associates work each day with a sense of happiness and pride. |
[Respect for the Natural Environment] |
Through its corporate activities, Izumi works to contribute to regional living conditions and social prosperity and also strives to offer products and services that are clean, safe, and of high quality. |
[Respect for Customers] |
Izumi conducts intensive product research and forward-looking development activities to create new value for its customers. |
[Respect for Employees] |
Izumi nurtures the inventiveness and other abilities of its employees. It seeks to create a climate of cooperation, so that employees and the Company can realize their full potential. |
Safety Vision
Toyota Industries established its Safety Vision in 2013 after numerous discussions on safety fundamentals and ideal safety standards. This vision is grounded in the ethos of warmth and camaraderie the Five Main Principles of Toyoda espoused. We, one of the Toyota Industries group companies, we also uphold this Safety Vision.

Toyota Industries Group Sustainability Policy
We, Toyota Industries Corporation and our subsidiaries, contribute to the harmonious andsustainable development of society and the earth through all corporate activities that we carry out ineach country and region based on the Toyoda Precepts (Corporate Creed) and our BasicPhilosophy.
In order to contribute to sustainable development, we believe that management interacting with its stakeholders is of considerable importance, and we endeavor to build and maintain sound
relationships with our stakeholders through open and fair communication.
We expect our business partners to support this policy and act in accordance with it
[Compliance] |
・We comply with local, national, and international laws, regulations and rules as well as the spiritthereof, and conduct our corporate activities with honesty and integrity. We also respect theculture and history of each country and region and maintain the highest ethical standards. |
[Respect for Human Rights] |
・ Based on international standards including the International Bill of Human Rights andthe International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights atWork, we respect the human rights of all people. |
[Risk Management] |
・We conduct thorough and organized risk management and prepare ourselves for threats to civillife and corporate activities, such as terrorism, cyber-attacks, natural disasters, pandemic andsupply-chain risks. |
[Role of Top Management] |
・Our management recognize that it is their role to realize the spirit of this policy, build effective governance systems for the conduct of business, and strive to raise awareness of the policy’s spirit within the corporation and the entire corporate group. |
Relationship with Stakeholders
<Customers> |
・Based on our philosophy of “Customer First,” we develop and provide innovative, safe, and high-quality products and services that meet a wide variety of customers' demands to enrich the lives of people around the world. |
<Enployees> |
・We respect our employees and encourage personal growth for our employees under our belief that the success of our corporate activities is led by nurturing each individual's character and abilities, and realization of the corporate group's full potential. |
<Business Partners> |
・We respect our suppliers, dealers, and other business partners, and work with them through long-term relationships to realize mutual growth based on mutual trust. |
<Shareholders> |
・We strive to enhance corporate value while achieving stable and long-term growth for the benefit of our shareholders. |
<Global Society/Local Communities> |
[Environment] [Community] [Social Engagement and Contribution to Development] |
Toyota Industries Group Human Rights Policy
We, Toyota Industries Corporation and our subsidiaries, have constantly endeavored to make the earth a better place to live in and enrich society based on the Toyoda Precepts (Corporate Creed) and our Basic Philosophy since its founding.
We recognize that it is essential to respect the human rights of all people and comply with laws and regulations to continuously contribute to the harmonious and sustainable development of society and the earth through all corporate activities.
This policy ensures that we respect internationally recognized human rights based on the United
Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Toyota Industries Group regards this as its highest policy related to human rights.
1. Commitment to respect human rights |
・We recognize that our corporate activities ranging from research, development, and procurement to the provision of products and services, may directly or indirectly affect human rights |
・We respect internationally recognized human rights, including prohibition of forced labour and child labour, right to freely associate or not associate, and elimination of discrimination, expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also support the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and strive to put them into practice. |
・We comply with laws and regulations of each country and region where we conduct business. We seek ways to respect internationally recognized human rights to the extent possible when laws and regulations of each country or region differ from internationally recognized human rights. |
2. Scope |
・This policy applies to all executives and employees of the Toyota Industries Group. We also expect all our business partners, including suppliers, to understand and support this policy |
3. Human rights due diligence |
・We establish and continuously implement a human rights due-diligence process to identify, prevent, mitigate negative impacts on human rights related to our corporate activities and account for how we address them based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. |
4. Correction and remediation |
・We endeavor to correct and remedy any negative impact on human rights through appropriate means where we identify that we have caused or have been involved in such case. We also establish consultation service for individuals and communities who may have been adversely impacted. |
5. Education and awareness-raising activity |
・We conduct appropriate education and awareness raising activities to our executives and employees and strive to prevent negative impacts on human rights through the dissemination of this policy. |
6. Monitoring and information disclosure |
・We continuously monitor the status of compliance with this policy and make improvements as necessary. We also periodically disclose the status of initiatives related to human rights through our website, integrated report, and other communication tools |
7. Dialogue with stakeholders |
・We engage in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders to identify negative impacts on human rights and address to them appropriately. |
Environmental management Policy (【TICO】7th Action Plan )(FY2022 - 2026)
To contribute to society that realizes affluent living in harmony with the earth in accordance with the Global Environmental Commitment (Fig. 1), which is the basic stance of our environmental efforts, we have announced the Environmental Vision 2050 (Fig. 2), including the challenge of a global zero CO2-emission society.
We have formulated the Seventh Environmental Action Plan, which is a new five-year plan (FY2022 to FY2026), to aim at realizing the Environmental Vision 2050. The Seventh Environmental Action Plan sets targets based on the four pillars of the Global Environmental Commitment: 1) Establishing a carbon neutral society; 2) Establishing a recycling-based society; 3) Reducing environmental risk and establishing a society in harmony with nature; and 4) Promoting environmental management.
Toyota Industries Group will work as one to take on the challenge of achieving these targets.

Quality policy
Value people and the environment, and provide products of world top quality that respond to customer needs.
Based on its mottos of “quality first” and “improvement of customer satisfaction,” the company established the above quality policy, built the quality management system required to realize it, and aims to continue being a company trusted by customers.
We will act as follows to that end.
We will execute a quality management system so that products satisfy legal and customer requirements at all times.
We will execute monitoring activities for all processes in order to improve that quality management system continuously.